Friday, February 24, 2012

Immune cells, known as cytokines can ...

What causes osteoporosis? This is a question that torments many people, unfortunately, not enough questions to come before, while signs and symptoms of osteoporosis begin to raise their heads.

picture of emphysema
Statistics show that about fifty percent of women aged over 50 will end up not a broken hip, broken wrist or a crushed spine. In any case, with broken bones, maybe the answer lies in the bone thinning disease osteoporosis. Before delving into the causes of osteoporosis, we must first understand what is actually bone disease. Our active bone and tissue that are in constant update. Bones are always involved in the process of destruction and construction, a process called

reconstruction, as well as special cells responsible for the destruction of old bone and building new

called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Research has shown that with proper nutrition and exercise, the skeleton can be repaired in strong and healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis and even change. Armed with this vital information, let us begin to understand the causes of osteoporosis. The natural decline in bone begins after age thirty, so if you have not accumulated sufficient bone mass during childhood and early adulthood, you are more prone to osteoporosis. Some bone loss is normal, but when this process is accelerated, the bones become thin and brittle, and can lead to osteoporosis. Problem osteoblast cells is one of the main causes of osteoporosis. Bone cells called osteoblasts are responsible for the formation of new bone, but if osteoclast cells begin to break down faster than bone osteoblasts can replace them, the bones become less dense and more vulnerable to easy fractures. Dysfunctional immune system can lead to osteoporosis. Immune cells, known as cytokines can trigger inflammatory reactions, which often leads to bone breakdown. Hormonal imbalance is one of the causes of osteoporosis. Hormonal balance plays an important role in bone density. The most critical time for women when they are in the premenopausal phase, when estrogen levels drop. Falling male hormone androgen is known as a key factor. Smoking greatly increases the risk of severe osteoporosis. Women who smoke have lower estrogen levels in all age groups and is likely to enter into menopause five years earlier than non-smoking women. Another drawback is that the smoking study also found that nicotine affects the body's ability to use calcium efficiently, thus contributing to the lack of calcium. Ovariectomy or removal of the ovaries by surgery leads to a dramatic conclusion of estrogen, female hormone that plays an important role in bone density. Production of estrogen designed by nature to go into a gradual decline as a woman comes into menopause, and so abrupt withdrawal causes women to experience more severe symptoms of osteoporosis. Menstrual disorders can also put highly skilled athletes and ballet teen in a group at risk of early severe osteoporosis. High furosemide level sports training necessary to implement these measures often means shedding a lot of fat, which is required teenage girls to produce and store estrogen. Reduced appetite girl who also zamoryty a hunger to shed a layer of normal subcutaneous fat with a high risk of developing osteoporosis when they get older. Nutritional deficiencies of vitamins and minerals can significantly contribute to the development of osteoporosis. Many vitamins and minerals needed for healthy bones. Obviously calcium, but others, such as magnesium, vitamin D, silicon, boron, strontium, vitamin K and vitamin C, all of this plays an important role in bone metabolism. High homocysteine ​​levels have also been identified as one of the causes of osteoporosis. Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid needed for proper body functioning. However, when the amino acid level is too high in the blood, the body suffers from a number of diseases, such as thickening and hardening of the arteries, DNA mutation, the accumulation of fibrous tissue in the brain that can lead to Alzheimer's disease and keep your body can not absorb calcium, which leads to a decrease in bone strength, which can lead to osteoporosis. Other causes of osteoporosis activity, prolonged use of certain medications, lack of sun, toxic metals in the body, prolonged stress. | | | | |

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